OPEN STUDIO | オープンスタジオ


Open Studioでは子どもたちが自由に発想、創作できるように、様々な材料と楽しいアクティビティーがいくつかのクリエイティブステーションで用意してあります。一つひとつの活動は異なった技法や表現手段を強調し、自分たちのペースで実験しながら遊んで、ものごとの発見につながるように構成されています。レギュラークラスのように決まったテーマはなく、作品を完成することよりも好きなときにものごとを思うがままに進めていきます。会話は英語で行われます。こどものみの参加となります。



 Too lazy to prepare a creative activity for your kids at home (AND having to clean up that mess)? Just drop by at the studio during Open Studio hours offered irregularly. 

Open Studio gives children the opportunity to let their creative minds and curiosity run free! The studio is set up into multiple hands-on creativity stations, with a wide range of materials, tools and activities. Each activity emphasizes a different skill, with a different medium for experimentation, such as sensory, craft, collaborative mural, a variety of printmaking techniques, sculpture and more! Anything goes, and kids are encouraged to play and discover in the creative process rather than focusing on finishing their projects. Open studio is guided in English and is mainly for children who can participate independently. 

Fee and time will vary depending on each session. 

All ages above 4 years old. (*Children above 4 years old must be able to participate independently. Please contact us if your child is under 4 years of age)