PReventative measures against covid-19
If you have a temperature above 37.5℃, or if you have any cold symptoms or feeling unwell, please stay home.
Please wear a mask at all times if possible (please contact us directly if your child cannot wear a mask for medical reasons)
Instructors will be wearing a mask during class.
The studio will be sanitized before and after classes and will be well ventilated.
Use the sliding glass door directly connected to the art studio when you enter the studio. Parents/guardians are asked to wait outside. Please wash your hands or use the alcohol sanitizer when you arrive. Use disposable paper towel provided or please bring your own towel to wipe your hands.
Please arrive no earlier than 5 minutes prior to class time and leave the art studio promptly when class is finished.
When there is a positive case at your school, preschool, daycare:If you are NOT a high-risk contact, you can continue to attend class. If you are a high-risk contact or you are not sure, please follow the guidelines and stay home for 7 days. If you were a high-risk contact please take a PCR test before returning to your lesson. If your test result is negative you may resume classes.
Please beware of any symptoms such as sore throat, fever, coughing or nausea. If you show any of these symptoms there is a high chance you are infected so we advise you to take a PCR test. Please follow the guidelines given by your doctor or health center.
We may change anything depending on the instructions from the Ministry of Health. We will continue to take preventative measures at the art studio.