3-day Spring Art Camp |3日間スプリング アートキャンプ
3.26 - 3.28 (水 - 金)9:30am - 2:30pm
[対象年齢 5才〜]
スペイン人のシュルレアリスムの作家、ジョアン・ミロの大胆な色づかいやジオメトリックな形をモチーフにした作品などを見てみましょう!太陽や星、月など自然の中にある形を象徴的な記号に変えて描いたミロは、パブロ・ピカソにもその才能を羨ましがられるほど、生涯エネルギッシュに芸術活動に取り組みました。Spring Art Campではそんな天才作家・ミロの作品などを参考に平面の作品から立体的なものまで制作します。3月1日から東京都美術館でも「ミロ展 Joan Miró」 が始まりますので、ぜひご鑑賞ください。展示会の詳細はこちらから>>
料金:33,000円(レギュラーの生徒さん 31,500円)材料費込・税込
※最終日は生徒さんの作品を展示したArt Showをアトリエで行います。作品をお持ち帰りできる大きめの袋を持ってきてください。
3.26 - 3.28 (Wed - Fri) 9:30am - 2:30pm
[Ages 5+]
Let’s explore the dynamic world of Spanish artist, Joan Miró —an artist who did not attach himself to one specific art movement but instead, branched out on his own adopting his signature style of biomorphic forms, geometric shapes, and semi-abstract pieces. He was constantly exploring and pushing the limits of his process. During his lifetime, he produced 600 sculptures and a rich body of work that included collages, paintings, drawings, ceramics, tapestries, murals, and engravings. Students will create paintings, collages and sculptures inspired by this brilliant artist. Make sure to check the exhibition “Joan Miró” at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, starting on March 1st. For details about the exhibition, click here >>
Fee (includes materials fee and tax): 33,000 yen (Regular students 31,500 yen) All materials and tax included.
Capacity: Approx. 14 students
What to bring: Smock (or wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty), water bottle, lunch
※We will hold a small art show at the studio of the students' artworks on the last day. Please bring a big bag to take home your projects.
Students who withdraw their application from the program are eligible for a 50% refund up until 14 days prior to the camp. Cancellations made within 14 days of the camp start date are NONREFUNDABLE. Click here for details.