AGES 1 - 3
親子クラス | Sensory Fun
親子クラス Sensory Funは1歳半〜のお子様と保護者の方が一緒に参加するクラスです。英語のお歌やごあいさつ、storytime、絵の具や粘土などの材料を使い、さまざまな知覚や感覚を活用し刺激しながら楽しいアクティビティーを行います。保護者の方は子どもとのコミュニケーション、子どもの創造力や表現力を一緒に養っていくことが出来ます。
Art class for toddlers with just a little bit of help from a grown-up. Children will explore sensory-rich and hands-on activities, such as drawing, painting, singing, storytelling and play, and build gross and fine motor skills while having fun! This class provides parents and caregivers an opportunity to learn what they can do to help nurture creativity, to properly communicate with their children while allowing them to flourish their creative minds. Come participate in your child’s artistic exploration and discovery. Please come prepared to get messy!
FRI (金) 10:00-11:15 1.5 - 3歳 (ages 1.5 - 3)
月謝 | Tuition (月3回|3 classes per month)¥9000
体験料 | Trial fee ¥3000
入会金 | Registration fee ¥10,000
定員 | Maximum number of students 6-8組 6-8 pairs
2才〜のアートクラス|Art Class for ages 2 - 5
次回のクラス: 2月17日 (水)10:00am - 11:30am
参加費:¥4000 (材料費込み)
定員 :6~8
Join our 90 minute-long art lesson that will inspire your child’s imagination and creativity. A hands-on art session where children will use various art tools and materials. At the end of the session, they can take home a completed art project!
We will be starting a morning art session for ages 2 - 5 every month. Let us know if you're interested!
CLICK HERE>> NEXT SESSION. February 17th (Wed) 2016 10:00am - 11:30am
Fee: ¥4000 (material cost included)
*Regular students: ¥3500
Maximum number of students: 6~8